Source code for pandas_extras.transformations

    Contains functions to help transform columns data containing complex types,
    like lists or dictionaries.
from functools import reduce
from itertools import zip_longest

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def extract_dictionary(dataframe, column, key_list=None, prefix=None, separator='.'): """ Extract values of keys in ``key_list`` into separate columns. .. code-block:: python >>> df = DataFrame({ ... 'trial_num': [1, 2, 1, 2], ... 'subject': [1, 1, 2, 2], ... 'samples': [ ... {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': None}, ... {'A': 3, 'B': 4, 'C': 5}, ... {'A': 6, 'B': 7, 'C': None}, ... None, ... ] ...}) >>>df.pipe(extract_dictionary, 'samples', key_list=('A', 'B')) trial_num subject samples.A samples.B 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 6 7 3 2 2 NaN NaN .. warning:: ``column`` will be dropped from the DataFrame. :param dataframe: The DataFrame object to work on. :type dataframe: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` :param str column: The name of the column which should be extracted. :param list key_list: Collection of keys that should be extracted. The new column names will be created from the key names. :param str prefix: Prefix for new column names. By default, ``column`` will be applied as prefix. :param str separator: The separator between the prefix and the key name for new column names. :returns: The extracted DataFrame :rtype: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` """ if key_list is None: try: key_list = next(val for val in dataframe[column] if isinstance(val, dict)).keys() except StopIteration: key_list = [] for key in key_list: new_column = '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, separator, key) if prefix else prefix dataframe = extract_dict_key( dataframe, column, key, new_column=new_column, separator=separator ) return dataframe.drop(column, axis=1)
[docs]def extract_dict_key(dataframe, column, key, new_column=None, separator='.'): """ Extract values of ``key`` into ``new_column``. If key is missing, ``None`` is added to the column. .. code-block:: python >>> df = DataFrame({ ... 'trial_num': [1, 2, 1, 2], ... 'subject': [1, 1, 2, 2], ... 'samples': [ ... {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': None}, ... {'A': 3, 'B': 4, 'C': 5}, ... {'A': 6, 'B': 7, 'C': None}, ... None, ... ] ...}) >>>df.pipe(extract_dict_key, 'samples', key='A') trial_num subject samples.A samples 0 1 1 1 {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': None} 1 2 1 3 {'A': 3, 'B': 4, 'C': 5} 2 1 2 6 {'A': 6, 'B': 7, 'C': None} 3 2 2 NaN NaN :param dataframe: The DataFrame object to work on. :type dataframe: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` :param str column: The name of the column which should be extracted. :param str key: Key that should be extracted. :param str new_column: Name of the new column. By default, ``column`` will be applied as prefix to ``key``. :param str separator: The separator between ``column`` and ``key`` if ``new_column`` is not specified. :returns: The extracted DataFrame :rtype: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` """ new_column = new_column or '{}{}{}'.format(column, separator, key) if new_column != "" else key dataframe.loc[:, new_column] = dataframe[column].apply( lambda x: x.get(key) if isinstance(x, dict) else x ).rename(new_column) return dataframe
[docs]def expand_list(dataframe, column, new_column=None): """ Expands lists to new rows. .. code-block:: python >>> df = DataFrame({ ... 'trial_num': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], ... 'subject': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], ... 'samples': [ ... [1, 2, 3, 4], ... [1, 2, 3], ... [1, 2], ... [1], ... [], ... None, ... ] ... }) >>> df.pipe(expand_list, 'samples', new_column='sample_id').head(7) trial_num subject sample_id 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 .. warning:: Between calls of ``expand_list`` and/or ``expand_lists``, the dataframe index duplications must be removed, otherwise plenty of duplications will occur. .. warning:: Calling ``expand_list`` on multiple columns might cause data duplications, that shall be handled. :param dataframe: The DataFrame object to work on. :type dataframe: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` :param column: The name of the column which should be extracted. :type column: :class: str :param new_column: Name of the new columns. If not defined, columns will not be renamed. :type new_column: :class: str :returns: The expanded DataFrame :rtype: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` """ new_column = new_column or column values, indices = [], [] for index, value in dataframe[column].items(): if value and not isinstance(value, float): values.extend(value) indices.extend([index, ] * len(value)) if indices and isinstance(indices[0], tuple): indices = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indices, names=dataframe.index.names) else: indices = pd.Series(indices, return pd.DataFrame({new_column: values}, index=indices).\ merge(dataframe.drop(column, axis=1), left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer')
[docs]def expand_lists(dataframe, columns, new_columns=None): """ Expands multiple lists to new rows. Pairs elements of lists respective to their index. Pads with ``None`` to the longest list. .. code-block:: python >>> df = DataFrame({ ... 'trial_num': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], ... 'subject': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], ... 'samples': [ ... [1, 2, 3, 4], ... [1, 2, 3], ... [1, 2], ... [1], ... [], ... None, ... ], ... 'samples2': [ ... [1, 2], ... [1, 2, 3], ... [1, 2], ... [1], ... [], ... None, ... ] ... }) >>> df.pipe( ... expand_lists, ['samples', 'samples'], new_column=['sample_id', 'sample_id2'] ... ).head(7) trial_num subject sample_id sample_id2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 3 Nan 0 1 1 4 Nan 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 .. warning:: Between calls of ``expand_list`` and/or ``expand_lists``, the dataframe index duplications must be removed, otherwise plenty of duplications will occur. .. warning:: Calling ``expand_lists`` on multiple columns might cause data duplications, that shall be handled. :param dataframe: The DataFrame object to work on. :type dataframe: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` :param columns: The name of the columns which should be extracted. :type columns: :class: list or :class: tuple of :class: str :param new_columns: Name of the new columns. If not defined, columns will not be renamed. :type new_columns: :class: list or :class: tuple of :class: str :returns: The expanded DataFrame :rtype: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` """ new_columns = new_columns or columns if not len(columns) == len(new_columns): raise ValueError('new_columns must contain the same amount of items as columns') if len(columns) == 1: return expand_list(dataframe, *columns, *new_columns) if not len(columns) > 1: raise ValueError('columns argument must contain at least two items.') values, indices = [], [] for index, row in dataframe[columns].iterrows(): if not row.empty and all(row.notna()): values.extend(zip_longest(*row)) indices.extend([index, ] * max(map(len, row))) if indices and isinstance(indices[0], tuple): indices = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indices, names=dataframe.index.names) else: indices = pd.Series(indices, return pd.DataFrame(values, columns=new_columns, index=indices).fillna(np.nan).\ merge(dataframe.drop(columns, axis=1), left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer')
[docs]def merge_columns(dataframe, col_header_list, new_column_name, keep=None, aggr=None): """ Add a new column or modify an existing one in *dataframe* called *new_column_name* by iterating over the rows and select the proper notnull element from the values of *col_header_list* columns in the given row if *keep* is filled OR call the *aggr* function with the values of *col_header_list*. Only one of (*keep*, *aggr*) can be filled. :param dataframe: the pandas.DataFrame object to modify :param col_header_list: list of the names of the headers to merge :param str new_column_name: the name of the new column, if it already exists the operation will overwrite it :param str keep: Specify whether the first or the last proper value is needed. values: *first* and *last* as string. :param aggr: Callable function which will get the values of *col_header_list* as parameter. The return value of this function will be the value in *new_column_name* :returns: The merged DataFrame :rtype: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` """ if keep and aggr: raise ValueError( 'Parameter keep and aggr can not be handled at the same time. Use only one.' ) old_columns = [x for x in col_header_list if x in list(dataframe)] if not old_columns: raise ValueError( f'None of the following columns were found: {", ".join(col_header_list)}' ) if keep: if keep not in ('first', 'last'): raise ValueError('Improper value for parameter keep. Possible values: first, last.') first_valid = lambda x, y: y if pd.isnull(x) else x if keep.startswith('f'): aggr = lambda x: reduce(first_valid, x.tolist()) else: aggr = lambda x: reduce(first_valid, x.tolist()[::-1]) if not callable(aggr): raise ValueError('Improper value for parameter aggr. It should be a function.') dataframe[new_column_name] = dataframe[old_columns].apply(aggr, axis=1) return dataframe
[docs]def concatenate_columns(dataframe, columns, new_column, descriptor=None, mapper=None): """ Concatenates `columns` together along the indeces and adds a `descriptor` column, if specified, with the column name where the data originates from. .. code-block:: python >>> df = pd.DataFrame([ ... {'key': 'TICKET-1', 'assignee': 'Bob', 'reporter': 'Alice'}, ... {'key': 'TICKET-2', 'assignee': 'Bob', 'reporter': 'Alice'}, ... {'key': 'TICKET-3', 'assignee': 'Bob', 'reporter': 'Alice'}, ... ]) >>> df.pipe(concatenate_columns, ['assignee', 'reporter'], 'user') key user descriptor 0 'TICKET-1' 'Alice' 'reporter' 0 'TICKET-1' 'Bob' 'assignee' 1 'TICKET-2' 'Alice' 'reporter' 1 'TICKET-2' 'Bob' 'assignee' 2 'TICKET-3' 'Alice' 'reporter' 2 'TICKET-3' 'Bob' 'assignee' :param dataframe: The DataFrame object to work on. :type dataframe: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` :param columns: The name of the columns which should be concatenated. :type columns: :class: list :param new_column: Name of the new column. :type new_column: :class: str :param descriptor: Name of the new descriptor column. :type descriptor: :class: str :param mapper: A map to apply to `descriptor` values :type mapper: :class: dict :returns: The concatenated DataFrame :rtype: :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` """ if mapper is None: mapper = {} descriptor = descriptor or '_desc' parts = ( pd.DataFrame( data={ new_column: dataframe[col], descriptor: [mapper.get(col, col) for _ in range(len(dataframe.index))] }, index=dataframe.index ) for col in columns if col in dataframe ) return pd.concat(list(parts)).drop('_desc', axis=1, errors='ignore').sort_index()